If you’re over the age of, well let’s say 30, you can probably relate to the feeling one has when they walk into a room and they suddenly forget why then went in there.
We’ve all done it. You get up from your chair, take a few purposeful steps into the other room and then….. nothing.

There is hope though.
Our brain is a beautiful part of our body that needs great nutrients to keep it operating correctly. Knowing which foods to eat can actually help BOOST your brain’s ability to remember things.
Brain-Boosting Foods Means a Healthier You
Scientists over the years have linked certain foods to better brain health. According to Medical News Today, the brain requires certain nutrients to stay healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids help build and repair brain cells and antioxidants help reduce cellular stress and inflammation, both of which are linked to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Since your brain is the control center of your body, keeping it working properly is a must. The foods you consume play a large part in keeping it healthy and may even help improve the tasks we ask it to perform on a minute to minute basis… like remembering what we walked into the room for.
Below I’ve listed 8 of my favorite brain boosting foods. There are many others out there, but this is a tasty place to start.
8 Delicious Ways to Boost Your Brain Power
I mean come on! If you know me at all, you had to know that if this was scientifically proven, which it is, it would be NUMERO UNO on my list.

A good cup of caffeinated coffee has quite a few positive effects on your brain. It helps with increased alertness, improves your mood, and sharpens your concentration.
It has also been shown that drinking coffee over a long term period of time, could help reduce neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s because of high antioxidants found in the coffee bean.
Fatty Fish
Omega’s, omega’s, omegas! Fish have a lot of them and a lot of them help your brain build brain and nerve cells.

Omega-3s are essential fats needed for learning and memory. Getting a well-balanced amount of Omega-3’s has shown to help slow the effects of mental decline and keep dieseases such as Alzheimer’s at bay.
Not getting enough of them has been linked to learning impairments and depression.
God knew what He was doing when He created all the wonderful fruits and vegetables for us to eat. Not only are they delicious, but they help take care of our bodies.
Blueberries are made up plant compounds called anthocyanins. This funny spelled and sounding named compound helps to fight off inflammation and it packed with antioxidants.

Some of the antioxidants in blueberries have been shown to help improve brain cell communication and may even delay short-term memory loss.
So just think, if you snacked on a handful of blueberries every day there may be a chance that you would actually remember why you walked into that room.
OK, this may not be one of your favorite veggies, but this little green cruciferous tree looking veggie sure does pack a good brain-boosting punch.

Broccoli is really high in Vitamin K. 1 cup of it actually will deliver 100% of your daily intake needed. And with that being said, vitamin K plays a large role in better memory.
Broccoli also contains numerous compounds that help fight off inflammation and brain damage.
Now this is what I’m talking about! These strangely shaped fruits not only come with a short timespan for tastiness, but they are also packed with powerful vitamins and healthy fats needed for optimum brain health.

Vitamin K and folate acid in avocados help prevent blood clots, improve memory and concentration, and also help improve cognitive function.
Studies have shown that eating a handful of nuts each day can help improve your heart function, which in turn, helps your brain too.
Eating nuts that are packed with healthy fats, antioxidants and vitamins will help improve brain function and memory.

For optimum brain health, choose nuts like almonds, peanuts, and hazelnuts.
Walnuts give you an added bonus because they are also packed with Omega-3’s.
Pumpkin Seeds
Here’s a tasty treat you can add to that handful of nuts, pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants and are also a great source of magnesium, zinc, and iron.

All of which help your brain operate on it’s cylinders for a longer period of time.
Dark Chocolate
I kicked off this list with one of my favorites and I’ll finish off the list the same way.
Dark Chocolate is good for your brain! How deliciously awesome is that?
Dark chocolate is packed with flavonoids, antioxidants, and caffeine, all of which are brain-boosting compounds.
Flavonoids in dark chocolate have shown to help enhance memory and also slow down age-related mental decline.

Scientists have done studies to show that dark chocolate is a wonderful mood enhancer.
Now I’ve never been asked by a scientist how eating dark chocolate feels, but I will totally concur with their findings.
So There You Have It
Not a total exhaustive list of brain-boosting foods, but a great place to start if you ask me!
I would like to add one more thing though.
It’s not so much of a brain-boosting food as it a practice.
Spending daily time in God’s Word is also extremely important for brain health.
A daily reminder of who you are to God, how much you are loved by Him, and all the wisdom and direction you will ever need is a must for any healthy lifestyle… in my humble opinion.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:6-7

Click here to find some fun, faith-based exercises that will get both your body and your brain moving!
I enjoy all of these brain food. Blueberries and pumpkin seeds with the husk don’t like my inner being(gut), I’ve recently tried pepitas,(pumpkin seeds) sort of like sunflower kernels, they seem OK with my inner being.. My favorite oily fish is canned mackerel.
Hey Laurie. That’s interesting about the pumpkin/pepita seeds. Is it raw vs roasted type thing? Yes, mackerel is GREAT source of omegas for sure!