Quick question?
Do you eat breakfast or workout in the morning?
Of all the meals we eat, breakfast often gets the least respect, and just getting up the motivation to get our day going is hard enough, let alone get a workout in.

Here’s what I’m talking about:
Breakfast is the most skipped meal. As many as 25% of us skip it every day!
When we do eat, we want something that’s fast and requires little or no effort.
Often our mornings start with hitting the snooze button until we only have a few minutes to get dressed before we hit the road running (and I don’t mean exercise running)
Lack of motivation or excitement keeps us from moving our bodies and kick-starting our metabolism, so we just don’t do it.
If you’re like me and can relate to some or all of the above then I would LOVE to have you sign-up and join us for the new April wellness focus.
You’re invited to join The Breakfast Club!
For the month of April, as we focus on the importance of starting our mornings off right for our overall health. Inspiring you to try new protein-packed breakfast recipes and giving you the opportunity to get up and move with some fun early morning workouts.
Here’s what included:
🍊Tues & Thurs Morning (7:30 AM) Live Faith-Based Zoom Workouts
*Workouts will be recorded for those in the group to use later*
🍊Weekly Breakfast Club Emails loaded with helpful tips, recipes, faith-based encouragement, and so much more
🍊A Live Evening Cooking & Chat Workshop
🍊And a few other surprises
When you sign-up for the April Focus you’ll also get The Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes download.
30 pages packed full of recipes and information on the importance of breakfast and protein in your diet.

Early Bird Sign-Up Cost – $15 before March 26th
After March 26th Cost is – $20
⏩Click Here to Sign-Up – https://forms.gle/uKteXFDEZzHR5orB7
I hope you’ll join us for The Breakfast Club!
*Women only please*
Feel free to leave me a comment or email me with any questions you may have.