August 2021 Scripture Writing Plan – Perseverance

I sit here staring at this blank page trying to put together my thoughts on our August Scripture Writing theme of Perseverance and all I can think about is that I’m tired.

Over the last year and a half, our world has been through A LOT!

Some days I’m handling it great. Dancing around my house, praising God and having fun, and other days I’m just slogging around saying “I’m over it, Lord.”

Am I the only one that feels this way?

I KNOW God is in charge. I KNOW God has my back. I KNOW and Trust God will work things out for His good, but I’m tired. My brain is tired, my emotions are tired, I’m just tired.

OK. As I sit here typing this out I can sense my spirit giggling.

Yup, giggling.

This happens often. It’s when the Holy Spirit starts whispering within my spirit. When God starts reminding me that things are about to happen, that I should know better, or that it’s time to put my big girl pants on and put some feet to my faith and stop slogging around.

Spirit giggling is what I call it.

Yes, it’s been a weird year and a half, but I was never promised easy or normal.

I was and still am, reminded that through Christ I can persevere.. and you can too!

Let’s spend the next 31 days of August writing out, memorizing, and putting to heart the precious words of God on how and why we are called to Persevere.

We can do it! Because we have a God who has called us and equipped us for that very purpose.

August Scripture Writing – Perseverance

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August Scripture Writing Plan Perseverance

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