Do You Have a Word for 2021?

A Word for 2021 road with trees on each side

No List of Resolutions, Just a Word

What are your New Years’ resolutions or goals?
That’s one question that you see A LOT during this time of year. 
Resolutions and goals are great things to seek out, but I want to challenge you this year, if you don’t already do this, to seek a Word.

The idea of choosing a word (or phrase) is so that when this word (or phrase) pops up in our lives throughout the year, it becomes an intimate, sweet moment between you and the Lord. 

Whether you’re driving down the road and you hear the word in a song or used in a podcast, it will immediately turn your heart and mind focus to on the Lord and what He is trying to teach you through that. 

Last year was actually the first year I really asked the Lord for a word. 

I spent about a week, praying and asking God to give me a word that He wanted to use to direct me, to stretch my faith, and to draw me closer to Him. And then I waited. I got still in my prayer time and listened. It didn’t come right away, but eventually, I noticed a word that kept popping up in my brain and through my days so I wrote it down.

Then I wrote it down again, in bubble letters, and colored it in. I started getting the sense that this word was my word and I embraced it. 

I’ve done the same this year too.

My word for this year is EXPECTANT. 
I’ve written it down in my planner and colored it all around it…  and you know what… I’ve already seen it popping up in places and it’s SO COOL! It’s like a God-Hug just for me and I love it. 

Would you like a God-Hug for yourself?

Here are some ideas and tips to get you started.

Questions to speak out in your prayer time when seeking a word for the year:

1. Is there an area in my life where I’m struggling with?
2. Is there a word from scripture that has been jumping out at you?
3. Is there a place in my life that I have not surrendered to God?
4. I’m passionate about ………
5. Lord, I would love to have word from You, do you have one for me?

 “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” ~Luke 11: 9-10 (NLT)

Here are some ideas to get your mind going …

 Simplify   Trust   Inspire   Bravery   Confidence   Grounded
Healing   Adaptable   Courage   Stability   Boldness
Unconditional   Love  Abundance   Family
Gratitude   Beautiful   Fit   Authentic   Transformation
Peace   Breathe  Powerful

After you choose your word …

  • Find ways to keep it in mind.
  • Make it your phone screensaver
  • Start searching scripture for the word and write them down
  • put a Post-It note on your refrigerator door and/or in your car
  • create a graphic featuring the word and frame it, and place it on your desk or on your bathroom wall.

What is your Word?

I’d love to hear from you if have a word for 2021! Leave me a comment or shoot me an email, I would love to pray that word over you for 2021!

Resolutions and goals are great things to seek out, but I want to challenge you this year, if you don't already do this, to seek a Word.

The idea of choosing a word (or phrase) is so that when this word (or phrase) pops up in our lives throughout the year, it becomes an intimate, sweet moment between you and the Lord.