What would life be like if we had to literally carry around our sin every day? Like piled up in boxes, stacked on top of each other type stuff?
How heavy would yours be? Would you even be able to carry it?

The thought of piling up even just my daily sin and having to carry it is overwhelming, let alone a lifetime supply of it.
“Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.” ~Ephesians 1:7
Oh the riches of His grace! Praise GOD for the riches of His grace.
It’s because of that richness, because of that overflowing grace that we don’t have to carry around our sin.
When we come to know Jesus, when we get to the point where we understand that all that sin is what separates us from receiving that grace and confess it and surrender our lives to Him, He lovingly redeems us.
You Have Been Redeemed
Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines Redeemed as:
Ransomed; delivered from bondage, distress, penalty, liability, or from the possession of another, by paying an equivalent.
When we surrender our lives and our sin, to the mercy and grace of God, our lives here and in eternity are redeemed.
We are delivered from bondage, distress, and liability. We aren’t held responsible for it’s cost – death.
Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave secured our eternity in Heaven. He redeemed our life!
As you spend time in the word this month, my prayer is that you will be overwhelmed by His love for you.
I pray that you will not only know you are loved and forgiven, but that you are Redeemed.
It cost Him His life to redeem you and me. May we spend the rest of our lives praising Him and thanking Him for it!
April’s Scripture Writing Plan
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